Chef Joe Randall Announces Work On The African American Chef’s Hall of Fame

Chef Joe Randall celebrated his retirement and the closing of Chef Joe Randall’s Cooking School at the Savannah Hyatt Regency on January 7, 2017.  The dinner was well attended by friends and culinary colleagues from Savannah and beyond. Chef Joe is retiring but will still be active in the Savannah community and to that end he is dedicating himself to the African American Chef’s Hall of Fame.

The African American Chefs Hall of Fame is a recognition program that celebrates the living history of African American chefs those individuals whose extraordinary contributions have made American Cuisine, and use, possible.  The African American Hall of Fame was launched by the Taste of Heritage Foundation in 1993.  Inaugural inductees were announced on April 12, 1993 at the Hay Adams Hotel in Washington, DC.

The initial inductees are:

  • Chef Patrick Clark
  • Chef Stanley Jackson
  • Chef Leah Chase
  • Chef Darryl Evans
  • Chef Leon West
  • Chef Robert W Lee
  • Chef Edna Lewis
  • Chef Clifton Williams
  • Chef Joe Randall

At his retirement dinner, Chef Randall announced three new nominees for inclusion in the Hall of Fame: Chef Ernie Royal, Chef John Bolton, Chef Daryl Shular.


In addition to the new nominees, Chef Randall launched a new website:





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